
At Caring Hands, we believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential. We believe education is the catalyst for change, empowerment, and a brighter future. Our commitment to education goes beyond the classroom; it’s about nurturing potential, fostering inclusivity, and creating opportunities for individuals to thrive. Our educational programs cater to individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of socio-economic backgrounds, abilities, or gender. By investing in education, we aim to break the cycle of poverty, promote gender equality, and contribute to the overall development of the societies we serve.

Special Needs

Category: Global Project
Location: Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Status: Ongoing

Category: Global Project
Location: Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
Status: Ongoing

Category: Global Project
Location: Balesore, Odisha, India
Status: Ongoing

Category: Global Project
Location: Odisha, India
Status: Completed 2016

Category: Global Project
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Status: Completed 2014

Tribal Schools

Category: Global Project
Location: Odisha, India
Status: Completed 2022

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal, India
Status: Completed 2019

Rural Schools

Category: Global Project
Location: Santoshpur, West Bengal, India
Status: Ongoing

Category: Global Project
Location: Gopalpur, West Bengal, India
Status: Completed 2024

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal, India
Status: Completed 2020

Category: Global Project
Location: Mfangano Island, Kenya
Status: Completed 2020

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal, India
Status: Completed 2019

Category: Global Project
Location: Kaintain, Uttar Pradesh, India
Status: Completed 2019

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal, India
Status: Completed 2019

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal, India
Status: Completed 2019

Category: Global Project
Location: Takling, West Bengal, India
Status: Completed 2016

Category: Global Project
Location: Brahmanpara Upazila, Bangladesh
Status: Completed 2016

Educational Programs

Category: Global Project
Location: Odisha, India
Status: Ongoing

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal, India
Status: Ongoing

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