Disaster Relief

Caring Hands is committed to bringing hope, healing, and resilience to communities affected by disasters. One of our objectives is to provide immediate relief and long-term support for those impacted by disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Our disaster relief initiatives include local projects in the United States as well as global projects in Haiti, India, and Nepal. Our organization operates on the principles of compassion, collaboration, and community-driven recovery.

Our Initiatives:

  1. Emergency Relief: Swift deployment of emergency aid, including food, water, and essential supplies, to address the immediate needs of affected communities.
  2. Reconstruction Projects: Dedicated to rebuilding homes, schools, and community facilities devastated by disasters, we aim to restore not just structures but also the spirit of resilience within these communities.
  3. Healthcare Support: In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we provide medical supplies, equipment, and support to families most heavily impacted.
  4. Education and School Rehabilitation: Recognizing the importance of education in post-disaster recovery, we focus on rebuilding and reopening schools, creating environments that foster learning and community development.
  5. Community Outreach and Empowerment: Engaging with local communities, we facilitate outreach programs that empower individuals and build local capacity for disaster preparedness and response.

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal
Status: Completed 2020

Category: Global Project
Location: West Bengal
Status: Completed 2020

Category: Local Project
Location: Harlem, New York City
Status: Completed 2020

Category: Global Project
Location: Haiti
Status: Completed 2017

Category: Global Project
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Status: Completed 2016

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