In May 2020, super-cyclone Amphan hit Eastern India, causing severe destruction in West Bengal and Odisha and affecting over 30 million people. The super-cyclone was one of the costliest in Indian history with hundreds of villages and homes destroyed, and access to transportation, water, and communication systems disrupted. The natural disaster was further compounded by the COVID-19 lockdown with a resulting delay in evacuation and relief efforts. Caring Hands led part of the relief effort by providing food, masks, temporary shelters, and medical help. In addition, we rebuilt over 100 damaged residential structures and improved infrastructure in the hopes of rebuilding the lives of those affected by the cyclone. Our local Caring Hands volunteers worked directly with several grassroot level organizations to distribute goods to cyclone victims in North and South 24 Parganas, Sunderban Area, and Kolkata in West Bengal, India.